How to Procrastinate Productively

Procrastination is a thing and we all experience it, so let’s take a look at how to procrastinate productively. If you’re going to avoid something you need to be doing, you may as well make the most of the time you’re wasting! 😅

The cause of my procrastination is usually:

1.     Fear – I don’t know how to do the thing or I just don’t want to do it, so I avoid it.

2.     My space is a mess and the clutter is creating energetic chaos for my brain.

The easiest and healthiest way that I have found to deal with this, is to go through a cycle of EFT tapping to re-regulate myself so that I don’t feel the need to avoid  that thing anymore.

That is ‘ideal world’ stuff, so I know that often that may actually be harder to do then the thing you’re actually avoiding.

Solution –

1. Actually just do the bloody thing.

2. Do some EFT tapping until your nervous system re-regulates

3. Kind of bypass it/trick your brain by doing something else that is ‘low-risk’ that you know how to do. This acts as a kind of diversion and throws your brain off the scent a bit. Once you complete the diversion task your brain is in the mood to tackle the original thing.

4. Clean and tidy my space.

And so, if you’re not able to tap your way out of procrastination, you can always procrastinate productively, until you get some momentum that may also help you to get the thing done too.

While procrastinating writing my 1,000 words today I decided instead to write a list of 30 things you can do instead of the thing you should be (all in the name of productivity of course.)

*we are assuming here that the task you are avoiding actually needs to be done and is not just pointless busywork – in which case, just cross it off your life and be done with it!*


1.     Clean your house/office

2.     Declutter something

3.     Do some life admin

4.     Wash your windows

5.     Empty out the bins

6.     Empty out your handbag/laptop bag

7.     Tidy/clean/organise your desk

8.     Organise your desktop files

9.     Order some groceries online

10.  Take care of your errands

11.  Do some washing

12.  Read

13.  Send someone a thank you card

14.  Do something nice for something

15.  Go for a walk

16.  Do some yoga

17.  Meditate

18.  Do some press ups

19.  Do an actual workout

20.  Practise a hobby

21.  Plan your upcoming weekend

22.  Plan a holiday

23.  Message someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while

24.  Review the current week

25.  Plan next week

26.  Rest!

27.  Take a nap

28.  Listen to an inspiring podcast or someone you like/admire

29.  Do a different task on your to do list

30.  Take care of something else you’ve been avoiding or meaning to get around to.

Remember that the longer you avoid the thing you’re supposed to be doing, the more dread and energy drain you will experience while in a state of avoidance.

Go do the thing. Or go do something else first. Either way you’ll have to do it eventually. 😅

-       Linda ✌🏻

P.S if you need more advice on how to clear your creative/mindset/productivity blocks, DM me! I have a few spaces left for my 1:1 coaching program.


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