Cycle 4 Wrap Up

Cycle four is wrapping up this week and I can’t believe how much progress I have managed to make in the last few weeks. 

At the halfway mark, I was massively behind and I wrote: 

“As of this evening (Monday), I’m clawing my way back on to the right track. I will snatch victory from the jaws of defeat! 

If there’s still time on the clock, best believe I will get some points on the board.”

The crux of my original scope:

1. Post on LinkedIn every day for 6 weeks.

2. Read an email course thing that I had subscribed to.

Fairly unambitious, but I had peppered these two things with a bunch of extra nice-to-haves.

So how did I do? Where are we at 4 weeks later??

✅ Finished an email course

✅ Written and schedule 21 posts for every weekday in August (this isn’t technically finished as I decided to change my approach, but it’s more or less done.)



✅ Signed up with 2 different coaches for 2 different things I am working on

✅ Maintained my 16-20 hour training weeks

✅ Finished 2 websites 

✅ Launched my creative studio (Monarch)

✅ Tidied up my personal website

✅ Worked on cycle-2-physical-challenge

✅ Didn’t burn out (was touch and go for a while)

So, what can we learn from this? 

1. The importance of clear scoping, focus and commitment. And time management, let’s be real.

2. The importance of not giving up even if you are behind schedule or it’s not going well. If there’s still time, there’s still time! YOU CAN TURN THINGS AROUND!

3. The importance of having a positive attitude and a willingness to try again but with a different approach.


Yes coach!


Are you putting in the hours?