NEW WORK: Liber Medicina
Lit fam. Sorry for the recent neglect.
I have been squirrelled away in my office (and beyond) working on all manner of fucking amazing.
Updates are coming. The ShapeUp continues.
But today I’d like to share with you the first release of Cycle 3 – Liber Medicina.
**deep breath**
To say this shiz has been a long time coming is to grossly understate the reality of it.
Quite simply, I have been wanting to geek out on books for YEARS now. I have draft reviews from over 4 years ago sitting on various hard drives that have been collecting digital dust since the dawn of man.
Almost every year since, I tried to find/create a platform/space for me to share my work, and every time something went wrong.
But, I’m glad there were disasters, because the idea was never finessed properly, the branding was all wrong, and my focus was in the wrong direction.
Over the last 4 years the project has evolved and grown into something that I now love and can confidently stand behind 1000%.
This time LAST YEAR I wrote the formal copy and developed the branding for the project, but I still didn’t have the right platform or structure for the work.
In early March of this year, I found my platform and started putting together the site.
Over the last 3 months I have tweaked and tinkered, and on Monday I sprinkled some 37signals magic dust on it, finished the first book, wrote the review last night and now it’s finished and ready to be birthed into the world!
So let’s do a proper introduction…
Liber Medicina is a space for me to geek out on books and all things related.
The domain is
The name comes from a old latin saying that I saw on a Ryan Holiday post a long time ago: ‘Liber medicina animi’ which means ‘a book is medicine for the soul’. I wrote it on an index card and it was my book mark for a long time.
There will be a book club.
It will be predominantly focused on self-care and health, but it will also include anything else I read and enjoy.
I will aim to do at least 2 reviews a month.
I will also share book hauls, fun series and collabs in the future.
The original notecard! I don’t know how old this is, but It’s amazing what 3 words can inspire!
I wanted the branding to be modern, clean, fun, bright, colourful and delicious. It’s an irreverent display of yum and I think the site looks beautiful.
Brand doc below..
Whenever I work on a new project I always create one of these. It’s one of the first things I do because it’s useful to look back on when I’m finished, or refer to as I develop the rest of the work. It’s a great way of making sure everything fits together and feels cohesive. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to give you a heading. And remember that it’s ok if some things change or evolve once you actually get into production.
You can read the first book review here.
As of today there’s still 2 ½ ish weeks left of this cycle and lots more to come, so I’d better get back to it!
- Linda ✌🏻